Dr Allan Lo

Address : School of Mathematics
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
Office : Watson Building, Room 302
Email Address : s.a.lo at bham dot ac dot uk


I am an Associate Professor in Mathematics at the University of Birmingham. My research interest lies in combinatorics, more specifically in extremal graph theory. I am currently supported by the EPSRC grant 'Ramsey theory: an extremal perspective' EP/V048287/1. From March 2021 to February 2024, I was supported by an EPSRC grant 'Matchings and tilings in graphs' EP/V002279/1. From November 2016 to October 2018, I was supported by an EPSRC first grant EP/P002420/1 titled "A graph theoretical approach for combinatorial designs".

Previously, I was a research fellow at the University of Birmingham (working with Prof. Daniela Kühn and Prof. Deryk Osthus) and a postdoctoral fellow at Umea University, Sweden, (working with Docent. Klas Markström). I got my PhD degree at the University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Thomason. The title of my PhD thesis is "Cliques in Graphs".

I am currently supervising a PhD student Debmalya Bandyopadhyay. My previous PhD students are Nicolás Sanhueza-Matamala (2015-19) and Vincent Pfenninger (2018-2022).



I am lecturing 3GphT Graph Theory and 3Com Combinatorics and Communication Theory (Year 3/4).

Past events

Together with Simona Boyadzhiyska, we organised A Spring Day of Combinatorics on Friday 1st March 2024

Together with Richard Mycroft, Guillem Perarnau and Andrew Treglown, we organised the 27th British Combinatorial Conference at the Univeristy of Birmingham, 29 July - 2 August 2019.

Together with Andrew Treglown and I organised a workshop Interactions with Combinatorics, which was held in June 2017.

Combinatorics seminar

Combinatorics, Probability, Algorithms @ Birmingham